The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Skynet will be operational soon. Anyone got John Connor’s cell #?


If this is true, it is a total betrayal at the most basic level of trust - abortion coverage.

I don’t yet KNOW if it is true - and since the congress comes up with their actual budget and the appropriations thereof, this provision may not live to see the light of day - somewhat like the innocent little lives it condemns. With tax payer money.

So: we don’t know if the article is true yet or not, but I think it probably is

I want to know WHY. … -coverage/

Well, Dave. NOT only am I convinced…that things like this…will lead to the tribulation and the Zombie Apocalypse. But I think, we are headed for a world…Where Skynet, The Matrix, and The Walking Dead - will go hand in hand. :open_mouth:

Perhaps this article from today’s Patheos, Evangelical newsletter - might prove helpful :question:

Social Media and the Death of Nuance

With AIA and ZA - we’ve got it covered, A to Z!

Ah man! That’s the first I heard of it. So disappointing. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Well, if it is true, the idea of abortion is so repulsive to many of the conservatives, and yet as I see it they want to limit the idea of contraceptives? Or I may be wrong. :laughing:

Cindy, I suppose you are saying that “the media I watch” offer only “false news” about that accusations concerning Rob Porter, and all negative statements concerning Mr. Trump. Canadians have no iron in this fire. They can neither elect a U.S. president or bring down a U.S. president. So why would Canadian news mention nothing but “the accusations”? What would be the motive of Canadians spreading “false news” about Mr. Trump? Or against Rob Porter?

I find that Mr. Trump and his supporters label as “false news” any news that places Mr. Trump in a negative light. They seem to be behaving rather similar to a cult, whose members think their leader can do no wrong and defend his every action. It reminds me of the Flat Earthers, who claim that every argument for a spherical earth is false. Because they believe the earth to a flat circle (“the circle of the earth”) and that the sky is a dome above this circle (some of them even believe the stars are lights from Heaven shining through the dome), they claim that particular unscrupulous people have invented false videos, make it seem as if the earth is spherical. They believe the first moon landing was fake photography.


It just doesn’t make sense that all of those newscasters were deceived with “false accusations” of Rob Porter’s two ex-wives concerning their former husband, and that all negative statements about Mr. Trump are “false news.” Those kinds of statements bear the earmarks of a cult.**ANGRY FLAT-EARTHERS **](

I find that Mr. Trump and his supporters label as “false news” any news that places Mr. Trump in a negative light. They seem to be behaving rather similar to a cult, whose members think their leader can do no wrong and defend his every action.

I’m a Trump supporter so I want to thank you for pointing out I belong to a cult. Also my wife supports Trump more then I do and she certainly will be thankful for being alerted she is also a cult member.
Frankly Porter will be forgotten within a week and perhaps the Trump WH made a mistake and hopefully learns something from it. Just for the record I support Trump despite his personality but because he is a ardent Capitalist which I think is by far the best economic system there is.

Don, you are simply wrong in most of what you said in that post, but perhaps you are the one in a cult? The ‘never-Trumpers’ or something? :astonished: :astonished:

You are way out of touch with how bad the situation is here - but you are not alone. I talk with friends in Holland who tell me the most outrageous things their newspapers tell them - and are shocked when I can prove they are outright LIES - not fake news, actual lying by the media. Same with people I know in Australia.

I can’t convince you - you have to be here where it is a struggle to get anything approaching fair and balanced. The media are now advocacy journalists - most of the ‘reporting’ they do is no more than opinion.

Don, it’s bad, very bad.

I’m pretty sure I already posted this once. It’s a graphic produced by a Harvard group that did a study on the news coverage President Trump has received from the media hereabouts and across the pond. If there’s been any change, it hasn’t been in Donald Trump’s favor.

Please note that Fox News does not give the president anything like unremittingly positive coverage. I’ve learned from personal experience that what we hear from the news media is at best exaggerated and at worst utterly false (for lack of a better word, propaganda.) And I’m only talking about relatively neutral things–from the weather to the political conditions in another country. News people know we can’t just drop everything and fly off to Guatemala or even South Carolina to see whether or not they’re being straight with us. On the few occasions I’ve had the opportunity to verify, I’ve found the media to be so far over the top that I can only describe it as lying. And THAT is just for ratings. Imagine if they have a political horse to power across the finish line. These are not honest people. They’re actors with a role to play and an agenda to enact. This is supposed to be a republic. They are supposed to tell us the truth, but they do not. We aren’t obligated to believe them, just because other people choose to do so.

(Edited to add:) By the way, I have contested and continue to contest that certain democratic politicians–men whose politics I absolutely detest and whom I consider to be hypocrites and posers using their constituency merely to continue accruing political power and wealth–should NOT have been drummed out of office on the mere accusation of impropriety. I’ve even written to them and encouraged them to stay and insist on due process. Not because I think they were innocent; I don’t know. If they haven’t confessed, I want them to get due process. If they’re found innocent and their constituency still believes in their guilt, then THEY and they alone should “fire” them at the next election. Due process is THAT important to our nation. People’s lives shouldn’t be ruined over the mere rumor–unproven–of wrong-doing.

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In response to Paidion’s statements - I add this. I am a big fan, of the BBC News. And I read it online and watch it, for a half hour - each day - on TV. The UK and the US - are good friends. So they really don’t have any political bias (more or less), in reporting US news.

I"m an independent. Now that Trump is in, let him take the ball - and run with it. As long as he doesn’t do anything, that compromises older Americans…And the AARP has no issues…I let him do his thing.

Folks can always vote in, a bunch of Democrats - during the midterms.

Someone mentioned the Trump cult here. I am a big, virtual fan…of the tribulation and the Zombie Apocalypse - cult message. AND I AM PROUD OF IT :exclamation: :smiley:

However. I am open minded, regarding some sort of AI Apocalypse - occurring simultaneously. :slight_smile:

However. I am open minded, regarding some sort of AI Apocalypse - occurring simultaneously. :slight_smile:

I suspect Trump is a Zombie and everyone he brought into the WH are Zombies. Perhaps Muellar should investigate this!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: At least maybe that would give him something else to chew on, seeing the Russia thing seems to be landing on HIM and his buddies instead of on its intended target.

I don’t remember who said that. Mussolini or Lenin or Stalin or someone like that, but they all run together. Russia is clearly exploding in the “wrong” court, so now they’re going to have to attempt “obstruction of justice.” It might work as a legal fiction–even to throw people in jail–for obstructing a “justice” that was intent on prosecuting the wrong person for something that wouldn’t have been a crime had they done it but WAS a crime in the way that they themselves actually did do it. :unamused: If you wrote a spy novel like this, no one would read it because it would just be too, too ridiculous to allow anyone to “suspend reality” in order to enjoy the read.

Zombies (let alone AI) would be so much easier to believe than what is in fact happening in DC. :confused:

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Here is a photo known to be that of Colbie Holderness, one of Rob Porter’s former wives.

But I suppose Mr. Trump’s supporters will definitely state that she received the black eye in some way other than being struck by Porter.

Finally, when Mr. Trump was called upon to comment on the allegations of Porter’s former wives, he said, “I’m surprised—greatly surprised, but I wish him well.” He then went on to tell what a good job Porter had done. Then he said, “He has denied the allegations. Remember that.” So if Mr.Trump believes the abuse never took place, then it is almost certain that his supporters will believe the same.

So if Mr.Trump believes the abuse never took place, then it is almost certain that his supporters will believe the same.

I’m a supporter and i believe Porter’s wives and that the WH messed up. Next case!

Always accuse the OTHER of the thing of which you are yourself guilty."
I don’t remember who said that. Mussolini or Lenin or Stalin or someone like that, but they all run together

The shrinks call it projecting or just being a Democrat :laughing: Hitler said if you keep telling a lie enough times it becomes believed. Sadly he was right.

IF he did it, Don, he has to face the consequences. YOU don’t know if he did it.
Your cult of never-Trumpers are too quick to believe anything anti-Trump.

I did find a book on Amazon. It got 5-star ratings and reviews, from readers. I hope to get a copy, via the public library. It might help, with the issues here. :slight_smile:

Only Dead on the Inside: A Parent’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

How would that help?