The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Assurance of Salvation

I find many people struggle with this as i have roamed the web over the years. Usually it involves a feeling of fear,unworthiness,shame and just feeling like they are apart from God. I think we are a very feeling oriented culture. I wanted to ask all of you if you have ever struggled with this or know people who have. I think one of the most comforting truths is that we can rely on God and His promise, as oppsed to our feelings. Our feelings can be affected by so many things. I think when feelings are put in the forefront, like linking them t being filled with the Spirit and possessing the fruit of the Spirit, then huge letdowns are in store if our feelings ever waver. What are your thoughts???


Hi Robert!

Wouldn’t it be safe to say our feelings follow our faith? A feeling of fear, unworthiness, shame and just feeling like they are apart from God would at least call into question ones faith (in at least what God is or capable of) would it not? If I have faith that my car will start tomorrow, I will not fear being late for work. If I have faith in my families unconditional love for me, I will never feel unworthy, so on and so forth.

As our faith is strengthened, (in anything) would not our feelings follow?

I try to be careful to remember the 2 types of faith (Martin Buber has an excellent but very dense book out by that title) - ‘faith1’ as acceptance of a proposition - as in ‘Christ died for our sins’ - and ‘faith2’ as a trusting relationship - I trust my brother to do what he says he will do.

I find ‘faith2’ to be easier and more natural - like feeling part of a family. I often don’t ‘feel saved’ in the ‘faith1’ sense, but that type of faith is for me more of a pointer towards strengthening faith2.

Which probably makes no sense to anyone but me, :blush:

Yes. Feelings are irrelevant as an index to truth. For example, one of the strongest feelings I have is that I live on a flat and stationary Earth. “I mean, come on. It’s flat! It’s not moving! It’s obvious!” (say my feelings).

But the fact remains that the Earth is spherical and orbits the Sun, feelings be damned.

The Flat Earth Society would disagree with you. It’s the opposite side of the coin, to where you disagree with a majority of scholars and historians, regarding reincarnation and Gnosticism. Or a majority of Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh scholars, on reincarnation and perfected states. All in another forum thread. :exclamation: :laughing:

I’ve felt those feelings before, and still can from time to time. I agree wholeheartedly that we can rely on God’s promises to us instead of our feelings. Feelings are important but it took me a while to understand that when I’m depressed and feeling unworthy and shame, that the enemy is trying hard to keep me feeling this way, the Holy Spirit doesn’t do this to the children of God. I’ve been learning a lot about this at a local home fellowship I attend. The focus of most of our studies are Grace and the promises God has made to us in the Bible. I wish I would have payed attention so much sooner in life, I used to worry so much about how I looked in God’s eyes. I was focusing more on me and my feelings instead of the finished work of Christ.

Is there really two types of faith?