The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Free Will: Its Essential Nature and Implications

Thank you Johnny, that was the point I was trying to make in a couple of earlier entries. Mainly: is the libertarian free will to choose eternal destiny of a different sort than our everyday libertarian free will? Or is it the same process in both cases? I would contend that, if we LOOK at our life and the lives of others,

I think the excellent discussion thus far is narrowly focused -

; we have been working toward a defined outcome, and tailoring our answers to fit into that outcome. Which of course is entirely acceptable; the scope of one’s inquiry has to be limited or we end up going in all directions.

I would like to see more effort put into the specifics of actual behavior, before jumping to theological interpretation. Maybe that is best done on another thread someday.

Anyway, this is a useful thread for its intended purpose.

Kate wrote:

I think you have expressed yourself very well, Kate, and the excellent point you make also casts doubt upon the libertarian assumption, which we have been discussing here, that moral freedom always requires a power of contrary choice. For what about the perfected saints in heaven? Do they no longer obey God freely merely because they no longer have any reason to disobey him and because, therefore, disobedience is no longer psychologically possible for them? Or what about the loving mother, to which I referred in another thread, who finds it unthinkable (and therefore psychologically impossible) to abandon her beloved baby? If this mother nonetheless cares for her baby freely, as I believe she does, then once again the relevant freedom does not always require a power of contrary choice.

Or finally, what about God himself? If, as we read in Titus 1:2, God cannot lie, are we to conclude that God does not act freely when he refrains from lying and thus reveals the truth to us? For my own part, I think that God is the freest of all beings and, indeed, always acts freely. He is the freest of all beings even though it is logically impossible that he should ever act unjustly or ever act in an unloving way.

Johnnyparker expressed a similar point when he wrote:

My own inclination, Johnny, is to say that none of us have the power to resist God’s grace forever, but we nonetheless do submit to him freely in the end. For when God employs the consequences of our own actions to remove the kind of ignorance that makes our resistance possible in the first place, he in effect removes an obstacle to a fully realized freedom. That, I take it, is the whole point of Kate’s example above in which, as a child, she grasped a hot curling iron. Her ignorance of what this would do to her was in fact an obstacle to a fully realized freedom, and the lesson she learned after grasping it removed this obstacle, thereby enhancing her true freedom.

All of which raises an important question: If I hold that freedom sometimes does and sometimes does not require a power of contrary choice (I do hold this), am I simply equivocating on the term “freedom”? I don’t think so. But to defend myself against such a charge, I no doubt have some “s’plainin” to do.


I believe that every normal, healthy person who has done action A, could have refrained from doing A.
If is is not true that he could have refrained from doing A, then how can we hold him responsible for doing A, if A is a crime or a very hurtful act against humanity? Why punish a woman for murdering her husband if she could not have done otherwise? Or a man who has tortured someone?
How can we blame Hitler for the atrocities which were carried out against 6,000,000 Jewish people if he could not have done otherwise?
Why blame Ted Bundy for assaulting and murdering many young women and girls during the 1970s, if he could not have refrained from doing so?

However, when you ask whether we could have refrained from everything we do, the answer may be “no”, because we might have been physically forced to do some things, or if we have been given drugs to create abnormalities in our brain, then we could not have refrained.
But the proponent of libertarian free will assumes that the free will agent is normal. As long as you are normal, and there are no physical causes, then I contend that you could have refrained from having done anything that you did in the past. You could have chosen other than that which you actually chose.

The perfected saints in heaven? I’m not sure that there are any yet. However, assuming there are, is disobedience no longer psychologically possible for them? Do we know this? Or is this wishful thinking? After all the angels who disobeyed were perfect from the beginning, weren’t they? And yet some of them disobeyed.

*And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day—just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. (Jude 6,7 ESV)

For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment… (2Pe 2:4 ESV)*

It is true that when a person’s character is formed, they usually act according to that character. But I not convinced that it is psychologically impossible for a person to act contrary to their character. We often read in news articles of people who have done some unloving act, an act which was most unexpected by neighbours and relatives who knew them well.

But even though people may sometimes act inconsistently with their character doesn’t necessarily imply that they have a greater degree of free choice than those who do. Take the ultimate example of God. He is doubtless the most free of all free-will agents. Yet He consistently acts according to his character. For example it is impossible for God to lie…at least concerning two unchangeable things:

…so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie… (Heb 6:18)

The Greek word actually means “powerless” rather than “impossible”, but that fact doesn’t make much difference. If God is powerless to lie, then it would seem to be impossible for Him to do so. So clearly, I don’t yet have my belief in free will, tidied, wrapped up, and placed in an indisputable box.

I want to thank you, Dr. Talbott, for introducing this subject. It has certainly helped me to think more deeply about the matter.

It has helped me as well.

Thank you Tom for your response, and thanks everybody for what is indeed a great discussion.

I’m with Dave in wanting to really understand the nature of our alleged ‘free’ choices in this life. The thing is, Paidion, the vast majority of things we do in life are done either totally or near totally subconsciously, with no active thought. This includes all the obvious stuff like breathing, eating, walking, playing sports, falling in love etc. Presumably you would agree with that? But behavioural science has shown that many of our supposedly deliberately chosen acts are in fact preconditioned responses. There are genetic and cognitive biases at work that govern, or at least influence our choices.

Now throw into the mix the moral imperatives acting on us and our ‘free’ choices shrink even further. For example, am I free to murder my wife? Well clearly in some senses I am, and some people do. But I love my wife, and wouldn’t dream of hurting her even if my own life depended on it. So in what realistic sense do I possess libertarian freedom to murder my wife?

That is the thing I’m getting at. I’m not saying that none of us bears any personal responsibility for what we do or don’t do - quite the opposite in fact. But I am questioning just how ‘free’ we actually are to act or not to act.


It seem to me that in order for a free moral agent to make a decision to choose action A but also be capable of not choosing A, there must be competing desires with the ‘Will’ serving as a referee of sorts between these desires. If there is no desire or influence pushing the individual to not choose A, then he will always choose A. It seems to me that it is still a ‘free’ decision, there is just no competing desire or reason to choose the alternative to action A.

I THINK that we put the choice to accept or reject God into a separate category of will. I’m not sure at all that that is proper to do.
If we are willing to give serious consideration to Darwin, Freud, Marx - as showing us some of the forces that shape us, whether biological or psychological or the dynamics of fiscal relationships - then I think we’ve put ourselves in a position of questioning whether there actually IS a part of us that is untouched by those forces, and thus freely able to clearly choose God.
I also think we’re all of a piece; there is no power isolated within us, in a dualistic relationship to the rest; there are not two ‘wills’ (and I’m not certain yet what we mean by ‘will’).
Anyway, that’s how I choose to look at it. :wink:

Very interesting thoughts, everyone-- many thanks.:slight_smile: Johnny, I think it’s interesting that you note our many subconscious decisions, if such actions be “decisions” at all. As you said,

This got me wondering about the “breadth of life,” mentioned in passages such as Genesis 2:7 and John 20:22. It has always been my understanding that we cannot willingly stop ourselves from breathing (but maybe our resident physician–Steve, talking to you here :slight_smile:–could correct me if I’m wrong.) Sure, we can cause outside forces, such as toxic gases or suffocation, to impair our breathing patterns, but we are physically unable, by the strength of our own bodily will, to cease breathing. It is the most basic necessity of existence and yet such a powerful force that it remains beyond our control.

Might it be the same with spiritual breath–the “breadth of life?” No matter how much stubborn souls might attempt to hold their breadth in the presence of God, they will inevitably let out a sigh, allowing the breadth of life–that is, Christ–to refill their spiritual lungs once more? An extended metaphor, yeah, but it makes sense to me.

And Dr. Talbott, I eagerly jumped into this conversation and yet never paused to express my thankfulness for your writings. I would be a miserable example of a Christian if it wasn’t for brave Christ followers like yourself who risk scorn from the mainstream to share hope for universal reconciliation-- the forgotten great news of the Good News. I can only assume many, many Christians (myself once included) go about life harboring the hidden burdens of fear and hellfire, so I have unspeakably deep respect and gratitude for Christians like yourself who have the intelligence and bravery to argue otherwise.



Hi Kate :smiley:

That’s essentially true-- it’s possible for some people to hold their breath until they pass out, but they then start breathing again unconsciously. Where it gets dangerous,of course, is when someone is free-diving in water with the risks of “shallow-water blackout” and “deep-water blackout” resulting in death. :frowning:

So there’s the medical lesson of the day. :wink:

Being Catholic now, I hold to the paradoxical mystery of both free will and predestination. People freely reject God and separate themselves from God forever because once they enter into a timeless eternity they become unchanging and fixed just as much as propositional truths, the laws of logic, and other abstracta are unchanging. They become just as unchanging as God for whom it is impossible to sin. Those who fail to enter purgatory become fixed in their evil natures and stay evil forever. They are tormented by their sins themselves. The punishment is therefore just and fits the crime.

As for mental illness and emotional problems, I have had them and was still aware of my sin. I resisted and refused to act out and harm others even though I was psychotic at the time. I chose to go to the hospital. It’s hard but you don’t have to sin even when you are having strong delusions.

I think the next logical question that needs to be addressed in this topic is the nature of sin and guilt and their relationship to what we mean by freedom. In other words, if “the ability to do otherwise” is not always necessary for an act to be good, is it necessary for an act to be sinful?

Hi Paidion,

You make some good points, and I will eventually need to tie a lot more things together than I have so far. In the meantime, I need to make a couple of quick clarifications. You wrote:

It was not my intention to assume either that there are or even that there ever will be perfected saints in heaven. I merely chose an example from the traditional Christian idea that, once someone becomes fully sanctified and perfected in the next life, he or she can no longer even be tempted to do evil. As for the fallen angels, I see no reason to suppose that they were in fact morally perfect from the beginning; for if they were indeed like God in that respect, how could they have been tempted to sin in the first place? As Reinhold Niebuhr once commented, one must already be in a fallen (or an unperfected) condition before temptation is even possible; and as I read the story in Genesis, not even Adam and Eve were created morally perfect. If they had been, disobedience would have had no more appeal to them than eating “steaming hot dog poo” (in Cindy’s example that I borrow from another thread) would be to us.

You also wrote:

You are quite right about this example. So in the end we must attend to very specific circumstances, as DaveB has elsewhere pointed out. For although a loving mother may sometimes act out of character, there surely are, I should think, specific circumstances in which some loving mother would have the means available to torture her beloved child to death but would nonetheless find this utterly unthinkable and therefore psychologically impossible—that is, psychologically impossible in these precise circumstances. And even if things should change or a different set of circumstances should later arise in which such a horrific act would not be psychologically impossible for her, this would have no bearing on those circumstances in which it was indeed psychologically impossible for her. So the issue is whether she freely cares for her child in circumstances of the latter kind.

As Johnny asked:

You and I are definitely on the same page here, Johnny. I seriously doubt that you have a power of contrary choice in this matter at all. In fact, if we identify freedom with the power of contrary choice, then we seem to have precious little freedom, as the libertarian philosopher Peter van Inwagen himself once argued in an important paper. And his reasons were roughly the same as yours. But if we go with our ordinary paradigms of freedom, such as the loving mother who cares for her beloved baby or the honest banker who refuses a bribe, then we seem to have a good deal of freedom. So I guess the next question to ask is this: Is there a single and unified conception of freedom according to which (a) we freely sin or freely act wrongly only when it is psychologically possible to act otherwise and (b) we are nonetheless freest in our relation to God precisely when it is no longer psychologically possible to sin or to act wrongly?

Now here is a possible, albeit rather trivial, answer to my own question. Suppose we identify freedom not with the power of contrary choice, but simply with the power to act rightly or, if we think in terms of a theological context, the power to act obediently. That would take care of your concern, Paidion, concerning our responsibility for wrong or criminal acts; if I commit a murder, for example, I do so freely only if it is within my power to refrain from committing that murder. Such a conception would also support Kate’s suggestion that we should view true freedom, even as Jesus and Paul did, as a consequence of salvation. But even though such a conception definitely represents a step in the right direction, or at least so I believe, it does not yet deal adequately with Johnny’s worries about determinism, as he expressed them in his first post in this thread. If God should simply constitute us with a virtuous character, or if our virtuous acts, assuming there are such, should be the product of sufficient causes that existed in the distant past before we were even born, then neither Johnny nor I (nor many others) would regard them as genuinely free acts. So that brings us to a question of a kind that Chrisguy has posed in his latest post: Can we deal adequately with the determinism issue without, at the same time, conceding that freedom always requires a power of contrary choice?

Any further thoughts?


If we have a belief in Providence in the ‘strong’ sense, I think it follows that every act is a moral act, since every situation is brought about by God. GMac seemed to understand Providence in this way:

“Henceforth all things thy dealings are with me
For out of thee is nothing, or can be,
And all things are to draw us home to thee.”
-from the Book of Strife

The modern mind lacks any foundation or background image - any ontology, in other words - of transcendence or Providence. The moral concern now is more along the lines of how to find depth in everyday activity; or how to determine what makes for a full, meaningful life. In answer to those questions, ‘free will’ is not part of the language-game; people are not answering unconditional moral demands so much as trying to maximize their potential and find ‘meaning’. Whatever answers those question is taken as ‘moral’. (There’s much more to be said there, that doesn’t add to our particular discussion.)

A strong belief in Providence ‘automatically’ gives a sense of meaning and purpose - and is a great truth to aid in soul-making, which was GMac’s concern.

Why I’ve gone the above, circuitous route is to get to this point, which may or may not be true: the issues surrounding the concept of ‘free will’ are a subset of larger questions, and perhaps can only be understood against the larger background. We have to know who God is, to understand who we are; we have to know who we ‘are’ (not in the modern sense, but in God’s mind) before tackling 'what should we do?".
Ontology prior to ethics? I don’t know, just asking really.

If there is any grist for the mill in that rambling, good. If not, that’s fine. :smiley: I’m just writing out loud. :smiley:

I’m not sure how a Christian is to take the statement by Niebuhr. Was Jesus not really tempted? I think it may be safe to say that temptation alone does not spill over into falleness. It seems there is a state of being which is neither perfected nor fallen but rather something foundational which makes growing into one of these states possible. An innocent, so to speak, or “untried” form of existence may require going through the experience of temptation, I believe.

The question at this point seems, if we define freedom as “the power to act obediently” we must determine whether or not those who sin actually indeed have the power not to. In other words, does a murderer, at the time of his murder (or does any sinner at the time of his sin), actually possess the power to act obediently?

I’m more and more inclined to believe that we must indeed be given “freedom of contrary choice”, but not because this is the only way in which good acts are possible (otherwise, God would be incapable of making free choices, the mother’s love for her child would not be good, etc.) But because this freedom is necessarily connected to becoming an independent consciousness, separate from God. “To be able to do otherwise than good” is simply what it means, I believe, to exist separately from God as a rational being and be able to act. God made us in order to unite us with himself. There must be a “me” and a “God” before there can be an “us.” And this distanced relationship is what makes sin possible (inevitable?). It also, accidentally, makes good acts possible, but that does not mean that for an act to be good it must be free, for that is not the *essential *reason for its existence. I may, for instance, get to school by driving my car, but that doesn’t mean that’s the only way I can get to school. So the primary reason for giving creatures the ability to sin is whatever it is, but it just so happens this also means they have the power of sinning or doing good, too.

The real question I believe hinges on how we account for sin. Because if God could have made us and prevented our sinning (which would seem to follow if we hold that an act can be good without the ability to do otherwise), why would God not just make us with dispositions such that we always had the maximum freedom to act obediently? I believe that is the question we must answer. Since God has obviously not made us like that, why has he not? As I’ve said before, I’m inclined to believe it has something to do with the process of ourselves being first separated, or “ejected” as Lewis said, from God and subsequently being united to him. This process may require freedom to exist and be exercised simply, but not necessarily exercised in a certain way.

Hi Tom:
Thanks for getting this thread off the ground Tom!
Highly anticipated, highly relevant!

Just back from a quick visit to my daughter in College in TN. Actually not too far from Sherman… Wrote this before reading the entire thread… though I hear, possibly, in the responses so far some of what I’m thinking…

Perhaps this is tangential to where you intend to go here, but in the past, in other contexts, we’ve talked about what was going on in the Garden of Eden. And if it even makes sense to read that literally. So, what I’m wondering is this:

Freedom is not really an issue unless and until there are choices. This, or that. Do animals experience choice? (and therefore freedom?) Do they actually process whether they shall eat this clump of grass or that one? Chase down this gazelle or that one? Or is it all instinct; raw impulse and reaction. And complete inability to reflect afterwards on why that specific action was taken; whether it was the “better” one??

Maybe then the dawning of the idea of freedom was also the dawning of enough sentience and self awareness to realize, for the first time, that there even was a choice available! I can actually do this – instead of that!! Not do this, instead of doing it! And with this came – and perhaps with great exhilaration – the sense of autonomy and control and power.

Could this be what Genesis is describing in it’s cryptic stories and language? Further, might this have at least something to do with having the “image of God” within us?

Of course, at this early stage, and in this setting of uncertainty and ambiguity and lack of context and dim knowledge of true cause/effect relationships (ie consequences), it’s easy to imagine such “freedom” leading to some very poor “choices”. (hence, missing the mark; sin??)

The mere fact of the awareness that options exist, that choices can be made, however tells us next to nothing about the quality and wisdom of those choices. For, in these early choices, with so little context and so much ambiguity and uncertainty, “mistakes” were almost certain to be made. Slowly, the idea must have emerged that in fact, some options were “better” than others.

That there were, in fact, sets of choices which logically lead to either obliteration or to peace and continued prosperity and even existence, simply was not apprehended at this early stage. Can we then conceptualize the bible as God’s story of the slow, arduous, painstaking journey of teaching us A) the nature of freedom and B) how to more wisely embrace it? That thrill and exhilaration of the discovery and awareness of our own autonomy and freedom being tempered and made wiser and more informed, by the wise shepherd, teacher, Father… Over time and with great patience and compassion.

Therefore, to the extent my musing resembles reality, I might suggest that typical Arminian understandings of freedom remain mired (stuck) in the earlier conceptions and realizations of freedom in their emphasis on our fascination with the autonomy we’ve been given. (To see real time demonstrations of this just watch any 2 year old interact with his world! Thrill of autonomy; lack of awareness and insight into cause/effect and consequences… Also, no grasp of what is in his own self interest)

Meanwhile, Universalists have moved forward to an understanding (not bragging, just observing here) which comprehends that freedom is not a static concept but one which grows. Freedom is not all-or-nothing. Thus Universalists are not so much concerned that there be a choice, or that we can “choose” between them, but rather, there must also be some inclusion of the idea of discernment between what is actually good for us (ie in our true self interest – like God’s interest in us) and what is not.

So in summary, I’m thinking that the typical Arminian/Calvinist dichotomy between sovereignty and freedom is “stuck” on the freedom side for Arminians. This is a reflection of the exhilaration of newfound autonomy that has not yet grown to consider, let alone comprehend, which choices are in our best interest and which aren’t. (Obviously, it would be rather poor form to present, to the Arminian, that his view represents more primitive, immature thinking which needs to grow to embrace other factors… But I can say it here I hope…)

Now, if we build this idea properly, I think we shall lose the idea of one or the other – either sovereignty, or freedom; as if they are in tension. Rather, it becomes more like Sovereignty, THEREFORE freedom.

What father would give his young son a classic muscle car (500+ HP, screaming fast, ready to impress the girls!!) before FIRST making him eat his vegetables so he grows legs long enough to actually reach the pedals; waiting till he’s of the age where his reflexes and hand-eye coordination are more in line with the cars capabilities; teaching him the rules of the road so he knows how he must behave around other drivers; let him start out practicing on a vehicle of less power, so as to learn the basics; teaching the son just how quickly he can get into trouble with so much power under the hood – ie respect the power inherent in the car.

Well, Freedom is like a muscle car!

Thus, ironically, God retains His sovereignty, because He wouldn’t dream of just thrusting such freedom on us unprepared, (ie He controls both the giving of freedom, and the preparation to handle it) as well as giving to us a much more elevated and complete form of freedom – because we now comprehend it’s actual power and depths and potential. In short, we then become much more fully what God intended us to be when He created us in the first place.

A slightly different way of saying, as other’s have here, that choice must be informed (ie know what’s at stake) as well as rational (ie know what’s in our actually self interest…)



I think you nailed it. I for one, am totally tracking with you.

I’m really enjoying this thread and would also like to say “Thanks” to Tom for starting and guiding it. :smiley:

So many thought-provoking and thoughtful comments. :smiley: I thought I’d respond to the last few with some thoughts of mine.

I’m not sure it’s that trivial to tell the truth. Both Jesus and Paul describe us as “slaves to sin” as you alluded to. It seems to make sense that if we are freed from sin we would indeed have the “power to act rightly” or “obediently.” If we are indeed free from sin, then choices we make without the potential for a contrary choice, at least seem as if they would be “free.”

The difficult part for me is this:

If this is true, then acting “rightly” because of an inherited or given character* may not be the same* as acting rightly after being “freed from sin.” If one had never sinned, they can’t be freed from it. Perhaps making the bad and wrong decisions we inevitably do makes the “right” decisions more meaningful (and free) when we finally learn from the consequences of our wrong decisions. :confused: I’m really not sure…

One point worth bringing up here is the idea that the murderer, at the time of his committing the murder, may not have been able to do otherwise (and might be thought because of that not to be culpable), but may have made a series of bad decisions before that time that led him to be in that state which were “free” choices and for which he is indeed culpable. (even if the end result of being a murderer was not anticipated). I’m not saying this is the case, but it must be considered and certainly complicates things.

I like this very much, Chris, and as you know, have much sympathy for this idea… :smiley:

I like this also, Bob. It seems though, that, at least in this life, the freedom people have is often too much for them to handle and their bad choices using that freedom results in considerable pain and anguish. I think, though, in the long run (including post-mortem) this will be true. :wink:

NOTE TO ALL: Now that Bob3 is back, I have to be away for a few days myself in order (a) to do justice to my 50th wedding anniversary, which is Friday, the 28th of March, and (b) to make sure I get my income taxes taken care of on time! But as General Douglas MacArthur famously said when forced to retreat from the Philippines, “I shall return.” I know, that quotation dates me terribly!

Before signing off for a few days, however, I do want to respond quickly to one item in Chrisguy’s latest and very insightful post. He wrote:

That’s a good question, Chris, and the answer may depend upon how one understands the Incarnation. But one thing seems clear. The Greek word peirasmos that our English Bibles typically translate with the English word “tempted” literally means to try, prove, or put to the test, and this word need not carry the same implication of possible moral failure that I was assuming when I used the term “temptation.” The NRSV therefore translates Hebrews 4:15b, correctly I suspect, as follows: “we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin.” Interestingly enough, the same verb is also used of God, the Father, in Hebrews 3:9: Just as Satan is elsewhere said to have put Jesus to the test, so the Hebrew ancestors are here said to have put God himself to the test. In any event, there can be no real temptation in my sense unless genuine moral failure is possible, and genuine moral failure is possible only when one’s nature is unperfected and in that sense “fallen.” I use scare quotes here because, as I see it, a fallen nature is simply an unperfected nature and carries no implication of moral guilt at all. So I tend to agree with Niebuhr’s view that God created Adam (or humankind) in a fallen condition (i.e., with an unperfected nature), which explains why sin (“missing the mark”) was a genuine possibility and in my opinion virtually inevitable. But that’s another story.

Anyway, I’m truly grateful that you and Bob3 have prepared the way so nicely for some things I want to say later. Also, I need to thank you, Kate, for your exceptionally kind comments. If something I have written has been helpful to you (or to anyone else), this is the best kind of news that any author could ever receive. But it is a curious thing. Given the course that my life has taken and the support I have always received from family and friends, it takes no bravery or courage at all–not even in the slightest–to express my deepest convictions about the nature of God and the world. In particular, nothing I have said or written about my evolving convictions over the years has ever posed the slightest threat to my life, my livelihood, or my personal friendships.

My thanks to all who have contributed so much to our discussion here so far.
